AR Festival of Play
Augmented reality
June-July 2019
It's an Augmented reality experience for the Festival of Play, a two-day festival filled with workshops, games, and activities designed for all ages in V&A Museum of Childhood. Our group developed an interactive AR experience using giant Lego blocks and AR markers.
Workshop with Sir John Cass's Foundation Primary School
First we let children build their Lego structures. Then we guided them to design augmented reality contents like characters and items which they image on the Lego structures using craft materials (paper, markers, play dough, craft foam,sticks). We briefly explained the ideas and showed a AR demo. They got it very quickly and made amazing contents which we used part of them later in our AR program.

Showing in V&A Museum of Childhood
First we let participants build Legos like the workshop. Then they got designed stickers to stick onto the structures. Finally they could view augmented 3D animations inspired by the creations of primary school children in the workshop through portable devices’ camera. During two days we got 200 participants including children and parents. They all give very good feedbacks.

WebAR interface

Today at Apple workshop