interactive installation of sound and graphic
Processing, MIDI controller, TouchOSC
October 2016-January 2017, during the exchange in Folkwang University of Arts in Germany
"Orbit" is an interactive installation of sound and graphic.
It uses Touchosc or MIDI controller as input and use Processing to receive the input and convert it into sound and graphic. Inspired by planetary orbit, I generated the Orbit graphic. Corresponding to the electromagnetic wave in the universe, I synthesized the sine wave sound changed according to the input and Orbit graphic.
Graphic inspiration

The star trails impressed me by their beautiful cycles and reminded me of the loop of music. And the composition of star trails has magnificent rhythm when it is dynamic.
Sound inspiration

Corresponding to the electromagnetic waves which contain visible and invisible lights from stars, I synthesized the sine wave sounds with audible and inaudible frequencies.
Sound and graphic synchronization

MIDIbus and Beads libraries in Processing

One version using MIDI controller

Another version using TouchOSC, a wireless control app sending OscMessages to Processing

Performing in class


Final_Video from hengshi kang.