Color knit

Data physicalization

Processing, Arduino, Laser Cutting, Stepmotor

April-June 2016


Color knit is a data physicalization project. This project is for Xianqiao, a village located on an island near Shanghai. I managed to connect the photos taken by tourists of the beautiful nature scenes in Xianqiao and the traditional local kniting skill. The tourists can have a tangible textile of what they saw in the Xianqiao village.

Idea developing

Firstly I turned the photos of Xianqiao into weaved patterns by coding in Processing. Then I made an automatic weaving machine using laser cut wood, parts from a knit toy, a step motor and an Arduino control board. After arranging the color of thread according to the picture generated by Processing, this installation can produce textiles representing the original photos.

Processing progarm

Some generated pictures

Processing animation

Building the Instalation

Machine running


Color knit from hengshi kang.